Private Villa in Lecco






Private Villa in Lecco
Clima   Video Sorveglianza   Accessi   Luci   VMC   Integrazione   Sicurezza   Audio   Video   Home Cinema   Reti lan / wi-fi lan e networking avanzato  
  • Type: Private Homes
  • Customer: Private
  • Location: Lecco
  • Project Management A3 System: Andrea Campinoti
  • Partner: ECI – Elettro Cablaggi Impianti – Orio Al Serio (Bg)
  • Delivery: 2013
  • Press:

In the heart of a village of the Lecco district, this building divided in two homes that share some areas object of a heavy and very detailed refurbishing program. One of the most complex projects, that A3 System has ever done before.

The customers, young and dynamic people keen on advanced technologies understood from the beginning the potential of such complex technologies allowing the team of designers and technicians to create an environment with a complete and unique integration system between high level lighting control, audio-video and security systems.

It is sufficient to enter in what is the space outside that the two houses share to realise that everything is managed in a smart way and nothing is left to chance: a complex lighting control by Lutron, brand leader in lighting control, reveals the path with classy wall keypads with customised illuminated silkscreen printed keys which show you the different types of atmospheres available for the areas; some functions activate and deactivate timed scenarios as people pass by, leading us to the Spa and Fitness area at ground level. Here the hammam equipped with chromotherapy lighting is managed directly by the house control system: by simply touching a button on the keypad or using a smartphone or a tablet you can activate the desired light scenario along with your favourite music.

Through the windows of the fitness area you can see the shared courtyard with the tidy and well kept gardens; at night the atmosphere becomes particular, although the building is in the centre of the nice village, there is the feeling of living far from the urban area in a magic and safe place where to relax after a stressful working day in Milan.

The safety feeling is enhanced by the fact that the house is equipped with a complex and precise safety system in terms of intruding and video surveillance; all can be managed and seen from any part of the property and also when far from home thanks to smartphones and tablets.

Only after taking a look at the tavern and the technical room placed in the box (where the rack layout of the systems is so catchy even for non expert viewers) you can leave the shared areas and move to the upper floors where only going through biometrical scanners the owners can access to their respective homes.

Audio and video here rule the house; huge and prestigious systems Bang & Olufsen are located in every part of the house, combined with invisible audio solutions that deliver a unique entertainment experience; simply sitting down with an iPad, you can choose your favourite audio or video source through a simple graphic control interface and the show begins.

Audio and video matrices, manage the sources’ signals and deliver them in the different rooms for a unique experience.

A simple touch on the keypads of the lighting system or through a virtual button on the tablet can activate the global scenario where a particular light atmosphere can be paired with your favourite music playlist or the activation of the video source as for a movie, will be followed by the fading out of the lights to a courtesy level for a comfortable vision; if somebody rings the doorbell, no problem: you can see who it is on the Tablet, answer and open the doors from your sofa.

The heating system is also managed and perfectly integrated; through the touch panels on the walls it is possible to check and edit the temperature of every area. Such management can be done, also with tablets and smartphones, by the owners even far from home.

A unique technological experience that these two homes can offer in terms of entertainment, automation and full integration from the first hours of the day when an alarm clock integrated with the system will wake up the owners with their favourite music in their bedroom.