
Access control





discreet control

An access control system and a security system which allow to control who enters our properties, denying access when appropriate in different areas of the system. The possibility to recognize a person or a vehicle creating reports automatically registered can be very important.

A3 System is able to create an access control system, starting with simple stand-alone systems to control one access to more complex systems, centralized and managed by remote PC to control many access points. Speaking about integrations and house automation an access control system can be integrated with automation devices to activate or deactivate certain systems. Imagine to see a person through the video surveillance system who wants to enter one of your access points. With the access control system you can verify his identity and with the system integration allow is entrance and lights can turn on, structures move and music can play from hidden speakers as he passes by.

A3 System is able to design and install systems with any type of device depending on the needs. Devices are flexible and modular: from swiping card readers to proximity devices or NFC.

For driveway accesses to speed up procedures we adopt “hands free” devices with wireless technology – such as Telepass – or special systems of number plate reading through a special camera and a software with a dedicated database to recognize the vehicles which are allowed to enter.

Where it is required a strict security and when the access control system is paired with an anti-intrusion system we usually adopt biometric readers for fingerprints or iris.