
Space transforming





beauty and efficiency

Give dynamics to an apparently static form to create an aesthetic concept in an environment, providing it with special movements specifically designed for it. If this dynamics is house automation – based on integration of technological systems – it’s possible to think any type of transformation since the technology available allows to create beyond imagination.

Transforming a space, arrange it to a new need. Two principles have to be respected, aesthetics – it has to be beautiful before and after – technical – it has to work well. A house automation system can operate on light and temperature, where sound comes from and its intensity, on walls or other furniture displaying, on audio-video positioning, it can make a screen appear from behind a mirror or a wall can move to reveal a new environment. We must hide what’s unnecessary and without aesthetical value – what defaces the environment – to show only what can produce a scenic impact. What will owners and designers’ imagination produce in prestigious environments?



If we don’t want to be trivial or not reliable it is necessary that every aesthetical decision is paired with practical and efficient solutions, systems featuring excellent design, components and reliability, powerful versatile systems programed by highly qualified technicians. This is the challenge that we have ahead.

A3 System wants to win such challenge. To create unique environments, tailored, fulfilling for their aesthetical and functional perfection. It is not a simple house automation system, but an integration between needs and space with top of the range technology perfectly inserted in the environment. A simple space is never trivial. The Custom division of A3 System, doesn’t fear any planning challenge and this is why it is so well considered by many architects and designing teams in Italy and abroad.

It is said that technology isn’t fit for architecture. Who worked with A3 System and has admired our integrations and transforming solutions for the spaces through “harmonic” control devices, audio-video entertainment and safety systems now has a different opinion.